Seven Characteristics of a God Honoring Wife

Monday, October 22, 2007

I have been thinking of this blog off and on all day. I guess I was really thinking of the verse from Titus 3:5; "Let the older women teach the younger women to love their husbands, love their children, be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be dishonored".

Teach the younger women to:

  • love their husbands
  • love their children
  • be sensible
  • be pure
  • be workers at home
  • be kind
  • be subject to their own husbands
This brings to my mind my marriage, my children and my life. I asked myself what was the hardest parts of this for me to fill myself? How do I fulfill these areas? What am I still working on? (Hint: ALL of it!)

Having been a pastor's wife for almost 30 years I am very aware of the marriages that are falling apart, kids that are left without a mom and dad in the same home and how promiscuity has become the way of life for many. While I know there are many young women out there who are working on their marriages and being the wife they are to be, we see wives who are not subject to their own husbands and are so independent and self-centered that they put only themselves first.

Where are you in all of this?

My next post will be taking a look at your marriage vows.


granny said...

Hi Peggie;
I have followed you from Christian Avenue .org posts. I love what you are doing and have enjoyed reading your blogs. I am looking for some christian resources for my self. I am married to a minister and it is very hard most of the time for me to find contentment in an empty relationship. But I keep trying. I don't know when God will change things for us. I keep holding on to the promises of God. When does happieness happen for me??.

Peggie said...

Can you click my contact me and email me? I tried to answer but could not find an email on your profile or a contact on your blog. You can tell me here if you like. I was wondering what you mean by "God will change things for us" are you talking personally in oyour relationship with your husband or in your church?
I know how hard it is being married to a minister, I was for almost 30 years until he died. The pull of the church, others and home can be hard for them to balance and the wife often gets left. Having been where you are I would not mind being a "pen pal" and giving you support. Write me.

Email Me