Go For Free First

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Where do you go when you need something? I mean information, ideas, how to do and other such things. I used to run to the library and look for books there. It is certainly more frugal than buying them, however we have a better way right at our fingertips.

I look online! I find all types of how to information, patterns, craft ideas and anything else my heart desires. Well, almost, all I can do is find pictures of chocolate.

There are coloring pages to keep the kids busy, printable games for them too. I found a cute free Valentines puzzle to make for the kids.

With so much free on the internet I use that first before I buy anything. I learned to type by hunting out the internet! So it even has its perks!

I also found a really great search engine for you to try. I It is called Mahalo and when you type what you are looking for in the box on the home page it opens up a tabbed window with all different search engines. Try it! You can find things you never knew before.

I hunt for recipes, things to do, how to make things or repair things, health issues etc.

We pay for the internet. All of us on here are paying something to have the ability to blog and communicate. Why not stretch that item already in the budget? Whatever you are going to do, need or want to do, research the free source first. You may not need to spend the extra money on a book, how to guide or pattern. You may also find a more frugal way of doing things. For more ideas about being frugal go here.


Vanessa said...

I love the internet, too. It's amazing what you can find out there for free! So many people are so generous with their information. :)

Peggie said...

I agree, and want to find a way I can be too

Amy said...

Great Reminder!

Mom2fur said...

I'm amazed at what you can find on the internet for free! I've downloaded recipes, crochet patterns, crafts and free scrapbooking supplies to name a few! I also like that I can check the on-line catalog of my local libraries to see if they have a book that interests me...before I use up gas going there and finding they don't! Thanks for that link, Mahalo. I've never heard of it, and I'm going to give it a try!

Anonymous said...

I agree, the internet is such a great resource!

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