What Do You Think?

Saturday, January 5, 2008

This coming Tuesday will be my 3rd anniversary with Rick. He is my second husband and as much a blessing as the first was. I love him so dearly and never thought I could be this happy with a man again. He is funny and fun, you never know what to expect.

However, he has a big fault and I can't figure out why. So, I ask you, what would you think?

We have 8 kids between us, I brought 5 into the marriage and he brought 3. They are all precious and loved very much by both of us. We have three here in Texas where we live, one in NC and 4 in Maine. We have 17 grand kids and number 18 on the way in March. This is a problem for us seeing them all.

My husband solves this for the holidays by sending me away after Christmas. This year the kids all got together with him and bought my tickets, anniversary Tuesday, I leave Monday! Three years married and I have been sent away just before our anniversary every year! Not one anniversary together yet! Tell me, what would you think?

I really am excited about going and seeing them all again, really. I am not excited about all the snow and cold, as I am leaving 70-80 degree weather predicted for the next few days here. No coat, had to dig out boots and lug them along. But the kids! They make it worth it all.

I will be spending my anniversary with Jessica this year. How romantic. What do we have planned honey?

Now, regardless of what you think, I know why he sends me to see the kids, he loves me and this is the best Christmas present he can give. Now I just need to train him to wait till after the 8th or send me before so I am home for the 8th. Any ideas?


Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...


If this is your biggest marital problem, congratulations!! I'd get on the plane and be happy knowing you can always celebrate your anniversary on your return. It's how he treats you on the other 364 days of the year that matter.

OK, it's 365 *this* year though.

Peggie said...

I am really blessed aren't I? We will celebrate it as we did last year, on his birthday (the 27th). I sure love to tease him about sending me away though! He is wonderful to me and I do feel very blessed.

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